Yakima Town Hall

Yakima Town Hall - Alex Banayan

Alex Banayan

Entrepreneur; Author of The Third Door •

Alex Banayan is the author of national bestseller The Third Door, which chronicles his five-year quest tracking down Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Warren Buffett, Maya Angelou, Steven Spielberg, Jane Goodall and dozens more of the world’s most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers. Banayan has been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list and Business Insider’s Most Powerful People Under 30. - Spoke at Yakima Town Hall October 23, 2019

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Bale Breaker
Diane Murphy
Legends Casino
Northwest Public Broadcasting
Tommy & Justine Hanses

"Town Hall is like a little vacation day. We've enjoyed it very much for many years. Thank you for all you do." - Laurel Sorenson

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