Yakima Town Hall

Yakima Town Hall - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

May 25, 2022 • 11:00 am


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a journalist, novelist, and screenwriter, as well as a former professional basketball player. Since retiring from the NBA in 1989, he has been a political activist and education advocate. Abdul-Jabbar is an award-winning documentary producer and was featured in HBO’s most watched documentary of all time, Kareem: Minority of One. He has won Columnist of the Year three times from the National Arts and Journalism Awards for his writing in The Hollywood Reporter. 

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"I very much enjoyed the lively Yakima Town Hall group which made sharing my experiences a great pleasure. Many thanks for the invitation and I will try to keep in touch from time to time with developments from Kenya." - Louise Leakey, Leakey Family Dynasty Pioneer/Paleoanthropologist

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